- Dr. Pravir Patel
- Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski
- Dr. John Perri
Dr. Pravir Patel
Describe how you felt physically, mentally and emotionally at the time of this picture? Felt like we were making a difference in the oral health of these kids. At the time of the picture I am sure it was go go go with energy levels at maximum so that we could see every child that came to our clinic.
Why did you volunteer with/participate in our organization? I enjoy travelling and meeting new people, giving back to our world community, I had also heard good things from other volunteers
Please list the three things you like most about your membership/ volunteer work and why you like them? – the group is well organized – I feel that the organizers genuinely care about the safety of the volunteers – there are many ways to participate both at home and abroad – allows people with time constraints to help – funds go directly to the people we help – no paid volunteers
How, if any, has your involvement with Health Outreach in terms of specific success, increasing quality of life or satisfaction? Since I started volunteering with HO, I find that I have more gratitude and patience both at work and at home.
Is there anything about your volunteer work /membership that you would like to see changed? – Nope!
“Dr. Pravir Patel is the recent past-president of Health Outreach and participant of over ten humanitarian projects in Guatemala”
Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski
I remember this day clearly. It was in a small village away from the clinic we set up. I felt so excited to see the homes and the communities in the area. We screened the children and booked their appointments for the next day in the clinic. It was a magical day, actually the whole week was magical. I was doing the things I loved- dentistry, in a place where it was highly needed. The locals were so friendly and grateful for our presence there. There is a humbling feeling when one realizes how blessed we are to live in Canada. And a sense of quiet gratitude to be able to help in a way that very few can. I remember a boy named Alessandro about 1 years old, reaching out from his mothers hands and asking me to take him. He stayed with me the whole time. I held him on my hips with one arm, and did the rest of the exams with the other. I would say it was an experience like no other. I felt happy, energized and inspired all at once. I volunteered for Health Outreach because I had seen some of the work Dr.Tim Lee and Dr.Pravir Patel did. I have great respect for them. They are people with high integrity and loving, kind nature. I love the fact that this project is done solely from a place of love, for the purpose of helping the less fortunate and to make this world a better place. I love and respect the people who are part of this. They are rare selfless individuals who are a pleasure to be around. I love the sense of feeling that I am part of something great. There is a time in our lives when we realize the real success in life is not in the physical things acquire, but in the number of lives we touch and the loving experiences we share. Volunteering for Health Outreach brought me way more than I gave. Appreciation for all I have, a wider view of the world and a re-defining of what a well lived life means. I am forever grateful for Dr.Tim Lee for creating such a wonderful organization where all of that can be realized.
Dr. John Perri
Dr. John Perri (on the right in San Gabriel, Guatemala 2018) is currently the Assistant Treasurer of Health Outreach. ” At the time this picture was taken I felt an enormous sense of pride for becoming involved with exceptional individuals. Physically, the work was exhausting. The conditions were severe. Mentally, it took a few days to accept the circumstances as they were and emotionally my heart would sink at the site each time we approached the clinic. Without these factors I would not have felt as fulfilled as I did. I became involved with the organization through friendship with the organizers. This had been something I had wanted to do for sometime but put off. A personal life event spurred participation and I became hooked on this work. I feel of sense of doing good simply through my association with this charity. I also feel that I have talents that can do good and finally it helps me place stresses in my life in perspective. I believe work this this tends to attract certain individuals. These are individuals I chose to be around. They ultimately make you better as a human being. I would love to see growth in the program. I would encourage colleagues to participate with their staff as a team.